Imre Thorman - butó a noguchi taiso workshop - 20.9. a 21.9. 10-14h - Hamu, sál 0021, Praha

20.09.2010 10:00

Thorman vystudoval pod vedením Kazua Ona v Tokiu. V současnosti je to jedna z největch špiček butó, který vyučuje po celém světě (jen toto léto učí v Berlíně, Zurichu, Edinburgu, New Yorku, Pontanedře a v dalších). V rámci festivalu Nultý bod povede 2 denní workshop na pražské Hamu, otevřený pro profesionály i amatéry, a zároveň vystoupí se svým představení Voyager v Paláci Akropolis 19. 9. ve 20h. Cena workshopu je 900Kč.
Více o workshopu:

"In my workshop I do not convey any fixed form or technique, but the principles that form the basis of movement (spiral, wave, gravity, emotion etc.). We will focus on everyday movements like standing and walking, as well as on emotional forms of expression. We will establish a basis that will enable us to exchange conventional patterns of movement for fresh approaches that will help us to execute movements more easily. This workshop is for professionals in dance and theatre as well as for amateurs of all ages.

My work is based on a training of seven years in Tokyo with Kazuo Ohno (Butoh) and Noguchi Michizo (founder of Noguchi Taiso, a Japanese form of body work), and education in Alexander Technique and my experience as a dancer who is living the dance."


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